Access :
From Ploudalmézeau, take the D28 towards Lannilis. At 1.5 km after the end of the town, turn left : second signposted road "Lampaul-Ploudalmézeau", "camping" C2 and continue straight on for about 5 km. The dolmen of the Ribl and the corresponding car park are indicated on a sign.
You then have to walk along the small path that leads to the sea among the dunes. The dolmen, located at 400 m, is signposted.

Long buried under the sand of its mound, this 13.50 m long dolmen shows only a very disturbed skeleton.
There are, however, three parts :
a small vestibule 1.25 m long that covers the single slab of the monument on which a little cavity can be observed. The slab rests on 4 pillars, one of which is very offset from the corridor.
a 7.50 m long passage with a very variable width from 1 to 1.50 m.
some stones in its walls are missing or tilted inwards.
a rectangular chamber of 1.25 x 1.50 m.The space it delimits rests on a horizontal slab 1.40 m deep.

This monument was the object of a meticulous excavation carried out by G. Collet in 1923 and 1924. Shards of bell-shaped potteries were collected as well as small flint tools, a curious bone comb, a dog's or wolf's tooth and two goat's teeth.
These things testifie to a use of this tomb over a long period extending over approximately 1500 years, from the final Neolithic to the Bronze Age.